Research at Chanakya University is inspired by its Purpose– ‘creating knowledge and transformative leaders for holistic development’.
Thrust Areas
Research at Chanakya
- Research Articles
- Book Chapters
- Research Output Series (ROS)
Dr. Bhavani.M.R
Challenges and Opportunities in Seafood Marketing: An Empirical Study from the Seafood Industry Perspective
School of Commerce and Management
Sri. Vinay Iyer
Representation of the midnight sun in Greek and Indian astronomical texts
Centre for Indian Knowledge Systems, SAHSS
Dr. V Rajesh Kumar
Determinants of Profitability of Indian Telecommunication Companies
School of Management Sciences
Bharath Setturu
Prudent Management of Protected Areas in India Through Virtual Spatial Decision Support System (pp. 357-369)
School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Krishnan R
Enhanced Smart Irrigation using Sensors: A Statistical Case Study
School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
P. Srilekha
Use of medicinal plants through sacrificial fire to treat Tuberculosis: A review
Working Paper CU-ROS/2023-24/WP-001
R. Manasa
Rejuvenating the ancient Indian food preservation methods: A critical analysis
Working Paper CU-ROS/2023-24/WP-002
K.V. Raju, R. Manasa, P. Srilekha
Traditional medicine to impart immunity and biological methods to scale up secondary metabolites: A Study on COVID-19
Working Paper CU-ROS/2023-24/WP-003
Faculty Research Quests
Chanakya University has a vibrant culture of research. Check out what our faculty do
Dr. Bharath Setturu says- “My primary research interest is in “Spatial Informatics” and “Computer Science applications”, focusing on multidisciplinary domains. Spatial informatics (Spatial Data Science) is emerging as a powerful field of research which integrates geography, data science algorithms, and technology. The advancement of computing capabilities and sound data availability aid in extracting meaningful insights and decision-making. Spatial data science spans its application in multiple domains such as region planning (urban/rural), environmental conservation, natural resources monitoring, natural disaster management, transportation, public health, and e-governance; not limited to the listed areas but has vast potential. Research in this domain will play a significant role in solving societal problems and aid in making informed decisions.”
Prof. Satyavolu Srinivas Rao cites- “Geometric Physics applies modern (differential) geometry to formulate and use physical theories. Classical Mechanics, Electromagnetism, General Relativity are all stated in terms of manifolds, differential forms and connections. Quantum mechanics involves Lie algebras. More recently, Quantum Field Theory brings in Lie algebroids. I was Coinvestigator in the SERB Project “Nonlinear algebra and Lie algebroid approaches to Quantum Field Theory” (SERB file no ECR/2015/000081). Various Brackets, Algebroids and Cohomologies arise in a physical context. Isomorphism of cohomologies using Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg techniques is the specific problem under investigation. Preliminary results are in the preprint arXiv:1607.00807v1.”
Sri Saurav Sarmah explains- “My area of research is the definition and measurement of national power and its impact on foreign policy. Right now, I am working on (i) the importance of soft power in China’s foreign policy, (ii) a Kautilyan perspective on national power and (iii) international index for measurement of ‘national power and its different dimensions’.”
Research Chairs
Two prestigious Research Chairs have been established on International Relations and Education that take their strengths from both India’s civilizational rootedness and global presence.

Subash Chandra Bose Chair Professorship on International Relations

Dr. Ramdas Pai Chair on

The Research Exchange Forum (REF)
The Research Exchange Forum (REF) is a fortnightly talk series that encourages cross learning among Faculty Members and Research Scholars cutting across Schools and Centres. Initiated in early 2024, the Forum offers a venue for exchange of knowledge gained and practices observed/experienced in an inclusive space where Faculty members and Researchers share their learnings from their research work/ workshops/ conferences/ seminars/ field work/ publications/ works-in-progress.
Research Support
Research at Chanakya University is fueled by the dynamic systems and processes that have been put in place to ensure quality and ethics.

The Programmes – The PhD Programme, The Post Doctoral Fellowship Programme

The People – Details of Research Supervisors and Research Scholars
Partnerships and Collaborations
Research at Chanakya University is committed to building strong and lasting partnerships with academic institutions and industries worldwide.

Please reach out through ‘’ for more information.