Chanakya University Cadets and Local Community Unite for Swachh Bharat Abhiyan 

The NSS and NCC wing of Chanakya University with 25 cadets actively participated in the Swatch Bharat Abhiyan initiative to clean up Single-use plastic around the global campus of Chanakya University. The program was carried out in association with the government school students and the local community under the guidance of Sri. Darshan and Sri. Diwakar at Haraluru.  

  The abundance of response and volunteer participation from the local community added extra mileage to the initiative. The cadets, fueled by enthusiasm and a deep sense of purpose, took on the role of educators during the event. They imparted valuable knowledge to the young school children about the critical importance of trees, both to them personally and to the environment. As a symbol of this bond with nature, the cadets helped the children choose names for saplings and encouraged them to take responsibility for nurturing and caring for these young trees. The children were filled with joy and enthusiasm as they realized that they now had saplings bearing their names. In return, the children made heartfelt promises not to litter their surroundings and expressed their commitment to growing more saplings in their own communities. 

This heartwarming event not only positively impacted the local environment by cleaning up single-use plastics and bottles but also fostered a deeper connection between the university, school children, and the community. It serves as a shining example of how collective efforts and education can inspire positive change and environmental stewardship. Speaking about the event, Darshan Ji, a staff member, expressed his delight, saying, “The spirit of togetherness and the commitment we witnessed from the local community was truly heartening. It’s a testament to what can be achieved when we work together for a common cause.”  

The commitment of cadets to community development and environmental stewardship is a beacon of hope for ventures. We look forward to more and more events like this to serve society and spread knowledge on sustainable environmental growth.