Dr. V. S. Baswanth Oruganti

Associate Professor, School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Ph.D Linköping University, Post-doc, Linnaeus University, Sweden
Former Faculty, GITAM University

He obtained his doctoral degree in Computational Chemistry from Linköping University in Sweden. Subsequently, Hi worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Linnaeus University in Sweden, and served in the role of an Assistant Professor in GITAM University and SRM University – AP. His research group primarily focuses on Computational Photochemistry studies of molecular switches for solar energy storage applications, and performing Quantum Chemistry simulations on Quantum Computers. A long-term multidisciplinary project our research group has initiated recently is integrating the theory of Inflammaging in Immunology with the core principles of Ayurveda through Ayurgenomics.

Selected Publications:

1. T. S, D. S. Perumalla, B. Oruganti,* B. Durbeej,* Polycyclic Heteroaromatic π-Linkers Provide Dithienylethene Switches with Favorable Thermal and Photochemical Properties for Solar-Energy Storage, ChemPhotoChem 2024, e202300225.

2. B. Oruganti,* J. Wang, and B. Durbeej,* Modulating the Photocyclization Reactivity of Diarylethenes through Changes in the Excited-State Aromaticity of the π-Linker, J. Org. Chem. 2022, 87, 11565–11571.

3. B. Oruganti,* E. Lindahl, W. Amiri, R. Rahimullah, J. Yang, R. Friedman*, Allosteric Enhancement of the BCR-Abl1 Kinase Inhibition Activity of Nilotinib by Co-Binding of Asciminib, J. Biol. Chem. 2022, 298, 102238.

4. B. Oruganti and R. Friedman; Activation of Abl1 Kinase Explored using Well-Tempered Metadynamics Simulations on an Essential Dynamics Sampled Path. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2021, 17, 7260-7270.5.  B. Oruganti,* P. P. Kalapos, V. Bhargav, G. London,* and B. Durbeej;* Photoinduced Changes in Aromaticity Facilitate Electrocyclization of Dithienylbenzene Switches. J. Am. Chem. Soc.2020, 142,  13941–13953.