School of Engineering

Guest Lecture by Mr Prasanna Karthik

Mr. Prasanna Karthik, a Fullbright and Clinton Global Initiative Fellow, had a guest lecture on “Emerging fields of public policy in India” with the fellowship students of Chanakya University. Mr. Prasanna Karthik touched upon various topics, from the emerging landscape of public policy in India to the importance of honing effective communication and problem-solving skills. He underscored the importance of ‘First Principles Thinking’, which focuses on deconstructing complex problems by oneself into the most fundamental parts instead of working with assumptions. Cultivating the first principles of thinking helps one develop a beginner’s mindset in breaking down complex problems and generating creative solutions.

Mr. Prasanna Karthik discussed the plentiful public policy opportunities in the corporate and government sectors. At the same time, he highlighted the competitive nature of the field. He emphasized the importance of developing practical writing skills, cultivating a hunger for learning, and developing problem-solving and analytical skills. He explained how the knowledge of microeconomics is crucial in aiding public policy design, formulation, and implementation.

Mr. Prasanna Karthik’s message on maintaining the mindset of a student, regardless of one’s experience, the importance of life-long learning, and keeping one’s curiosity alive are qualities that will stay with us on our varied journeys ahead.