Chanakya University School of Biosciences

Dr. Ramakrishna Pejathaya

School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Centre for Indian Knowledge Systems
Associate Professor, School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Ph.D., Rastriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati
Dasha Avadhani-Poet

Dr. Ramakrishna Pejathaya has a doctorate from the Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha (RSVP), Tirupati, for his research on the medieval text on astronomy Siddhāntaśekhara of Śrīpati and its influence on later astronomers. He has been actively involved in teaching Jyotiṣa, Sanskrit literature, Indian Knowledge Systems and Poetics since 2007. Ramakrishna holds a Vidvat degree in Triskandha Jyotiṣa which he studied traditionally along with Sāhitya and Siddhānta Kaumudī at SMSP Sanskrit College, Udupi. He has several research papers and books to his credit. He has also produced study material for the texts Jātakālaṅkāra, Janmapatradīpakam and Bhāskarīya Bījagaṇitam. He was a co-investigator for the encyclopaedia project Jyotiṣaviśvakoṣaḥ undertaken by SMSP Sanskrit Research Centre, Udupi. The output has been published in nine volumes by the centre. He as a Principal Investigator is now in the revising process of a research project Idiomatic expressions from classical Sanskrit plays funded by Samskrit Promotion Foundation.

Currently, Dr. Pejathaya serves as Associate Professor in the Centre for Indian Knowledge Systems at Chanakya University. During his service at Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth he was the Program Director of MA Sanskrit and the founder Director of the Centre for Avadhanām, a joint initiative of Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth and Indic Academy. He has designed several innovative courses. Noteworthy of them are Kauṭilya and Public Finance Administration, Puruṣārthas: Perspectives from Mahābhārata, Life Lessons from Bhagavad Gītā and Avadhāniśikṣā. He is also a member of academic bodies such as the Academic Council and Board of Studies at several institutions. 

Dr. Ramakrishna is one of few practitioners of the art of Avadhānam in Sanskrit and classical Kannada. He has performed more than 25 Aṣṭāvadhānas till date in different parts of the country including Udupi, Sringeri, Bengaluru, Ernakulam, Calicut, Tirupati, Somnath, Prayag Raj and Varanasi.

Educational qualifications (only Doctoral/Masters’ degrees)

  • Ph.D. in Siddhāntaśekhara of Shripathi and its influence on later astronomers, Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati. (2014)
  • UGC-NET Examination. (2009)
  • Vidvaduttama in Triskhanda Jyotisha with 80.16% from SMSP Sanskrit College Udupi under KSEEB. (2007)
  • Acharya in Phalita – Jyotisha with 81% from Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati.


  • Yakshagana (Talamaddale in particular)
  • Composing poems
  • Visiting historical places and learning some of their unique aspects

Courses Taught at Chanakya

  • Indian Intellectual Heritage (Particularly Indian Astronomy, Kavya literature and Poetics)
  • Appreciating (He)Art
  • Foundational Principles of Indian Civilisation
  • Rediscovering our Itihāsas

Publications (List)

7. Publications

7.1 Journals (UGC Care-listed and Peer-reviewed)

  • Vinay Iyer and Ramakrishna Pejathaya. (2022) Representation of the midnight sun in Greek and Indian astronomical texts. Indian J Hist. Sci. 57, 253–264.
  • Ramakrishna Pejathaya. (2022). ग्रहणमुकुरनामकस्यग्रहणगणितविषयकस्यग्रन्थस्यदेशकालकर्तृनिर्णयपूर्वकंसमीक्षणंतद्वैशिष्ट्यानांविवेचनं. Khagolah. ISSN: 2456-3420. Volume 7.
  • Ramakrishna Pejathaya. (2021). देशकालक्रमेणशब्दानाम्अर्थसङ्क्रमणम्. Samskrita Vimarsha. ISSN: 0975-1769. Volume 21. pp 01-09.
  • Ramakrishna Pejathaya. (2021). अवधानकलाङ्गभूतायाःनिषिद्धाक्षर्याःसमग्रंसमीक्षणम्, Journal of Veda Samskrita Academy. ISSN: 2250-1711. Volume 18. pp 72-81.
  • Ramakrishna Pejathaya and Anagha Pradeep. (2021). Sahṛdaya: A Touchstone for Creative Imagination. International Journal for Sanskrit Research. ISSN: Volume 7. Issue 5. pp 258-260. DOI: 10.22271/23947519.2021.v7.i5e.1511
  • Anagha Pradeep and Ramakrishna Pejathaya. (2021). Darpoki: A Distinctive Way of Self-introduction by Sanskrit Poets. Shodh Samhita. ISSN: 2277-7067. Volume 8. pp 70-83.
  • Ramakrishna Pejathaya. (2020). आधुनिकसंस्कृतकाव्येषुछन्दःप्रयोगाःकाचनसमीक्षा. Dhimahi. ISSN: 0976-3066. Volume 11. pp 204-221.
  • Ramakrishna Pejathaya. (2020). विद्यावृत्तिक्षेत्रयोर्निर्णयेअवधेयाःअंशाःसहकारिण्यःसरण्यश्चहोराहृदयावलोकनम्. Prāci Prajñā. ISSN: 2348 – 8417. Volume 6. Issue 10. pp 215-226.
  • Ramakrishna Pejathaya. (2019). शास्त्रसम्प्रदायविज्ञानानांसमीक्षणपुरःसरंश्रुतिसम्मतस्यअयनारम्भकालस्यनिर्णयः. Prāci Prajñā. ISSN: 2348 – 8417. Volume 5. Issue 9. pp 271-278.
  • Ramakrishna Pejathaya. (2016). प्रव्रज्यायोगाः. वाक्यर्थभारती. ISSN: 2249-538X. Volume 6. pp 162-167.
  • Ramakrishna Pejathaya. (2015). दिक्साधनम्. वाक्यर्थभारती. ISSN: 2249-538X. Volume 5. pp 118-122.
  • Ramakrishna Pejathaya. (2014). ज्याभिर्विनाभुजकोटिज्ययोःसाधनम्. वाक्यर्थभारती. ISSN: 2249-538X. Volume 4. pp 107-111.
  • Ramakrishna Pejathaya. (2013). छाययारव्यानयनम्. निबन्धमाला. ISSN: 2277-2359.
  • Ramakrishna Pejathaya. (2012). चन्द्रस्फुटीकरणेउदयान्तरसंस्कारः. वाक्यर्थभारती. ISSN: 2249-538X. Volume 2. pp 102-104.
  • Ramakrishna Pejathaya. (2011). भूस्वरूपम्. वाक्यर्थभारती. ISSN: 2249-538X. Volume 1. pp 131-133.
  • Ramakrishna Pejathaya. (2015). अहर्गणानयनेश्रीपतिगदिताःसप्तप्रकाराः. शारदा. ISSN: 2320-740X. pp 68-77.
  • Ramakrishna Pejathaya. (2016). श्रीपतेःप्रस्तुतिमाधुर्यम्. शारदा. ISSN: 2320-740X. pp 88-96.

7.2 Books

7.2.1 Authored:

  1. Śekharavaiśiṣṭyam. (ISBN: 978-81-941665-1-1). (A monograph which discusses unique features of Śrīpati’s Siddhāntaśekhara). SMSP Sanskrit Research Centre, Udupi. (2016).
  2. Maharṣi Pāṇini. (Biography of Panini in Kannada). Shri Bharati Prakashana. Bengaluru. (2014).

7.2.2 Edited:

  1. Ramakrishna Pejathaya and Vishaka Venkat. Ādi Śakti: Philosophy and Narratives of the Feminine Divine. Chinmaya International Foundation, March 2022.
  2. Ramakrishna Pejathaya. Swpnil Chaphekar. Prabhavathy P.N. Sangīta Sañcintanam. Chinmaya International Foundation, March 2022.
  3. New Frontiers in Sanskrit & Indic Knowledge. ISBN: 978-81-8315-431-4. (The Proceedings of International Conference NFSI-2017 & NFSI-2018 Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth, Kerala) published by New Bharatiya Book Corporation, Delhi
  4. Jyotirdīpikā. (Seminar Proceedings) published by Rajiv Gandhi Campus, Sringeri, 2016.
  5. जन्मपत्रदीपकंभास्करीयबीजगणितस्यपूर्वार्धं. (Self-study Material) published for Distance Education by Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi, 2011.
  6. Gītāpraveśa – First volume. published by Samskrita Bharati, New Delhi, 2009.
  7. Bṛhajjātakam. (Kannada Script). published by Mihira Prakashana, Udupi, 2009.

7.3 Book Chapters:

  1. Ramakrishna Pejathaya and Anagha Pradeep. Women’s Writings in Sanskrit. Ādi Śakti: Philosophy and Narratives of the Feminine Divine. Chinmaya International Foundation, 2021. (In press)
  2. Ramakrishna Pejathaya. वाचोयुक्तीनांलक्षणम्अभिज्ञानोपायाःलौकिकन्यायादिभ्योभेदश्च. New Fronties in Sanskrit & Indic Knowledge (ISBN: 978-81-8315-431-4). Pages: 289-299. Delhi: New Bharatiya Book Corporation, 2019.
  3. Ramakrishna Pejathaya. बाणभट्टकृतिषुज्यौतिषदर्शनम्. बाणभट्टकृतिषु लोकशास्त्रदर्शनम् (ISBN: 978-81-940693-8-6). Pages: 38-48. Mysore: Likhit Prakashana, 2019
  4. Ramakrishna Pejathaya. संवत्सरनामसुभ्रान्तयःतत्परिहृतयश्च. षडङ्गं ज्यौतिषम् (ISBN: 978-81-933259-0-2). Pages: 128-131. Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, Rajiv Gandhi Campus, Sringeri, 2017.
  5. Ramakrishna Pejathaya. भास्करजुष्टःश्रीपतिपथः.ज्योतिर्दीपिका. Pages: 52-62. Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, Rajiv Gandhi Campus, Sringeri, 2016.
  6. a chapter on Jyotisha for the self-study material of a Course वैदिकवाङ्मयस्येतिहासःभारतीयासंस्कृतिश्चfor MA Sanskrit (Volume 3, Pages 83-98) published by Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi, 2010.

7.4 Other Noteworthy Articles:

Sl. No.Title of the ArticleBook/Periodical Namemm-yyyyLanguageISSN No.
1भविष्यति अतिविरला गुरुशुक्रयुतिःSambhashana SandeshaJan 2021Sanskrit2249-6440
2Mahāmuni PatañjaliTushara (Kannada)Dec-2019Kannada
3उत्तरायणं मकरसङ्क्रान्तिश्चSambhashana SandeshaMarch-2019Sanskrit2249-6440
4हेमलम्बो विलम्बश्चSambhashana SandeshaApril-2017Sanskrit2249-6440
6क्षीणप्राया क्षात्रप्रज्ञाशारदा2017Sanskrit2320-740X
7Saṃskṛtada Sārvatrikate mattu SarvajanīnateDharmabhāratī2016Kannada
8Bhāratīya Khagoḷagaṇitaśāstragaḷige Gauravavitta Keraḷīya GuruśiṣyaparampareKārtāntikagīrgucchaḥ (146-150)2016Kannada
9Pratibhāpāṇḍityagaḷa Paripāka – Śāstigaḷa PadyastabakaAnantanamanam (28-32)2015Kannada
10Special Panel on ‘Uttarāyaṇa’Vijayavani (No. 1 Kannada Daily)14/01/2018Kannada

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