
Circulation Service

  • Reading material borrowing facility is available for the students, research scholars, faculty members and other staff.
  • Borrowers can get the book(s) reissued on or before the due date, if required.
  • Library follows an open-access system.  Books and other materials taken from the stacks should not be re-shelved by the readers. These should be left on the tables. Please remember that a book misplaced is a book lost.
  • All books should be returned to the library before going on long leave and on official tour etc.
  • A fine of Rs. 5 per day will be charged for the delayed return of books and other print resources.
  • Only after receiving all the books and library card in the library, a Clearance Certificate will be given to the concerned users.
Damage and loss of borrowed documents
  • Users should check the books would like to barrow are not damaged. If a book is found to be damaged or certain pages are missing, the borrower should get this statement recorded on the book, otherwise he/she shall be held responsible for the damage, discovered at the time of returning the books.
  • Users mustn’t deface, mark, cut, or mutilate the reading materials in any way. Users will be fully responsible for any damage caused by them to the document.
  • If the borrower loses or damages a single book, bound journal, loose journal, magazine, or CD-DVD, the user must replace it with a same new one; otherwise, the user will be charged twice the cost of the book plus processing charges of Rs. 100/- for a book.
Patron CategoryBarrow limitLoan Period Renewal LimitFine per a day
Research Scholar51435
Faculty MembersNo limitFor a semester

Inter library Loan

The Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service enables students, faculty, and staff to borrow materials from other libraries that are not available at the Chanakya university library. Members need to send the full bibliographical details. ILL requests can be placed by email at library@chanakya

The library is a member of following prestigious organizations, to have easy access to their literature and Information resources.

1. Indian Institute of Science,
2. Azim Premji University.
3. Indian Institute of management.

The library also has membership with INFLIBNET/ UGC, DELNET which enables access to selected resources & services. In addition, the library leverages its contacts & goodwill to obtain articles & reports from other libraries in the country.

Reference Service

Reference Services provides reference and information assistance to students, faculty, and staff of Chanakya university. In-person assistance is available at the circulation Desk. Library staffs are also available through email and phone. Individuals who want one-on-one reference assistance should contact the circulation desk.

New Arrival of Books

In this service, library inform to users of the new upcoming books in every month.
Also these new arrivals of books are kept on display for reference and consultation for 30 days. These are normally displayed on 1st of every month and will remain on display till 30 days. However, they can be reserved when they are on display and will be issued after 10 days in between 9.30 am and 6.00 pm.

User Orientation Programme

The library conducts orientation programme for the benefit of new students in the beginning of academic year. Training sessions are also organized whenever a new product or service is introduced. Any user desiring to know more about Learning resources and service or to learn how to use a particular resource like OPAC, e-journals, databases etc. should contact library staff.

Plagiarism Check (Turnitin/ DrillBit)

In order to cultivating a culture of academic ethics and writing skills among users the library facilitate textual similarity checking service through INFLIBNET offered Drillbit and a commercial software TURNITIN.

Guidelines for Plagiarism Check Service

The library is entrusted to generate Similarity index reports for theses/dissertations/project reports/research articles etc. It uses both TURNITIN & DRILLBIT (Plagiarism Detection Software) for this purpose. DRILLBIT is offered by INFLIBNET/UGC and is restricted for PhD scholars. Turnitin is a commercial software and is available to faculty members and PhD Scholars.

For Faculty: Procedure to Get the Login IDs for Plagiarism Check:

  • Faculty members are requested to write to have account of TURNITIN.
  • Once the request is received, the library will register their email as faculty account on TURNITIN and later they will receive an invitation mail directly from TURNITIN.
  • Click onthe ‘Activate your account’ button in the mail and set up a password.
  • Once you get the login credentials you can access this database through <>.

For Students: Procedure to Get the Similarity Index Report:

  • Please send the document (ready to submit/final copy to the University/Journal) as an email attachment to <> and keep the concerned guide & HoD in loop.
  • Please use this facility only in case of final submissions to the university (theses/dissertations/project reports etc.) and final draft of the research articles.

Please note for plagiarism check the library will take a minimum of 24 working hours.

Please contact library staff at the Circulation Desk for any assistance.

Discussion Room Service

Chanakya university library provides discussion rooms to its users for purposes of group study, project work and discussions. To ensure proper use of this facility, users are required to abide by the following rules and regulations:

  • Discussion rooms are for group study and discussions only. It cannot be used for watching movies, listening to music or relaxing purposes.
  • The rooms can be issued to a minimum of 3 students and a maximum of 5 students.
  • Use of the room is limited to a maximum of two hours, only.
  • Use of the rooms is on a first come first served basis. No advance reservations are allowed. Booking period will be open 10 minutes before every slot.
  • Users must register at the circulation desk and submit their ID card. The ID card will be returned at the end of the session.
  • All rooms are available from 9.00am to 5.00 p.m.
  • Please rearrange the chairs/tables after use. Please refrain from making loud noise or disruptive behaviour while using these rooms.
  • The library reserves the right to cancel the booking if the group fails to turn up within 10 minutes of the booking time and allot the same to the next group.
  • Please avoid taking eatables or beverages inside the rooms.
  • Please avoid taking additional chairs/other furniture.
  • Leaving any kind of garbage including paper/plastic, etc. is strictly prohibited.
    • It is the responsibility of the person booking the discussion room to take care of the furniture, accessories and equipment in the room. The concerned user will be charged for any damages or replacements.
    • The library reserves the right to access the rooms for inspection at any time and to suspend the use of the facility for other important purposes.

Please contact library staff at the Circulation Desk for assistance.

Off-Campus/Remote Access to Subscribed Resources

Off-campus (remote) access to online resources allows library users, such as students and faculty, to access licensed materials like e-books, journals, and databases from outside the library. This access is typically secured through login methods like Single Sign-On (SSO) or VPNs, ensuring users are recognized as affiliated with the institution. It enhances accessibility, enabling users to engage with library resources from various locations.

Off-Campus/Remote Access to Subscribed Resources

The seamless off-campus access service to most of the subscribed online resources is facilitated to the faculty members and students of the university using MyLoft. It is a means of authentication and authorisation that allows authorized members of an institute to access licensed online resources through an official email ID and password. In case of any issues, please send an email to

The seamless off-campus access service to most of the subscribed online resources is facilitated to the faculty members and students of the institute using Shibboleth. Shibboleth is a means of authentication and authorisation that allows authorized members of an institute to access licensed online resources through an official email ID and password. In case of any issues, please send an e-mail to (

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